Today I've learned something, something so obvious, so precious yet many have not discovered. Paying It Forward.
'Pay It Forward' is actually a novel written by author, Catherine Ryan Hyde and others to help in inspiring students that it is possible to help change the world. The story is about a 12-year-old boy named Trevor McKinney that believed in the goodness of human nature. He was determined to change the world for the better thus creating the concept of paying it forward. Help one who will help another. A chain of good deed that comes from even a small favor.
Let's say that a stranger or a friend comes up to you and helps you, even in a small way of helping to carry your stuff or guiding you through your assignments. Paying it forward means the act of helping another when someone helps you even in the simpliest way. An act where you repays their kindness by helping others who are in need. Help others but expect nothing out of them. Touch their heart and change their opinion of the world by your unobtrusive acts of kindness.
Imagine that you helped three person. Say this to them: "Repay my kindness by helping another three person that needs your help. Pay it forward." When that three person helped another three each, we are actually spreading the positive way of making the world a better place to live in. Sooner or later, the chain spreads through. This will goes on and on. See? Even a simple deed can help a lot in any way.
Practicing this concept will make people to be alert about those in need and those who helped them, who spread kindness to them. Nowadays, it is risky to help strangers but let your own good intentions guide you on your actions. Let this concept shapes people to become more grateful even for the smallest act of kindness from others.
Many do not know how much that their help would benefit this world. Help others who are in need and guide them to help others. Learn and spread the good value of 'PAYING IT FORWARD'. Make this world a better place. You can lend a hand to change the goodness in this world. Believe it, you can do it.
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