
Finally! Horrorful day finally be gone!

One month of working on the coursework project again and again and again and again.

We generated around 4, 5, 6? teaching materials just to teach one simple topic: Improper Fractions for Year 5. If you refers to the Year 5 Mathematics book, this topic only have a page worth of exercise. And to think that becoming a teacher is easy? Think again!

Me and my partner spent sleepless nights within this one month doing the projects. Generating ideas and getting few rejections from the Head of Mathematics Department over and over again. She really has high expectation on the coursework and to meet her expectation, we got to deal with the pressure and also some uban that starts to pop up more and more within our hair.

The last few hours before submitting the project, we finalize the paperworks and ended up sleeping around 4am. That morning's lecture started at 7:30am! Luckily, I didn't fish in the Miss Tan's lecture. If not, sure get killed by her. xP

Gosh~ gotta stop sleeping so late. I'm becoming a panda myself. Positive side though, I lost 2kg from all the pressure of the coursework. LOL. I know, it's bad for health. Bad, bad for health. Will try to get proper rest within this one week break.

After the one week break, I'll be starting my Practicum or similar to Industrial Training for 4 weeks. Warggghh.. I do hope I'll be able to handle all the students. I'm scared that I might end up strangling one. Muahaha. Just kidding. I won't do that. I'll lose my degree for it.

Pray for me guys! I'm starting to lose me-self. (x.x)