This semester, we need to learn Information Communication Technology (ICT). This subject was okay but waarrrgghhh, too many long-courseworks!!! X_x
After finished the individual coursework of computer components and learning theory involved in teaching and learning through ICT two weeks ago, there it comes. Another coursework. Group though this time. Thank God... ^_^
We need to create a documentary about something, any topic as long as it's em.. presentable to the kids. So, our group decided to do about tourism, Malaysia of course. If we do about other country, can we call it treason? Nah.. kidding! It's just that it's easier to do about Malaysia since we have base knowledge bout it. Seriously, I learned to love our country more and more through this coursework. LoL!
Anyway, I was in-charge of the people and cuisine section. Doing the assignment makes me drools. X_x. Here, I'll show you what I mean by that.
I need to finish it ASAP! It'll make me gain weight just doing the coursework! X_X
OMG, why your assignment so fun one? If I had this for assignment I'd be so happy! I tried to cook kolo mee last week.. Unsuprisingly, it doesn't taste like kolo mee :-/
lol! you did? wa.. haha. wad's the ingridients? you know? they said kolo mee have to use pork's oil or something then nice. i'm not so sure. aint a good cook either. XP
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