Semester Break

3 weeks! Without any books, hostel-cleaning, loud noises, excessive heat in class and many more! 3 weeks for relaxing, rejuvinating after long weeks of assignments and exam, gathering with friends longed missed, and just slothing around. Wait, ain't sloth is the seven deadly sin?

Wow! The long awaited holiday is here for me! I can't wait to do stuff I longed been doing since the hectic April. Updating my blog and so forth. Sorry for the late update on my life. Especially to Joslyn, Marissa and Cindy who are my loyal blog readers. Muahahaha!

Holiday! Holiday! Holiday! I want to meet with all my friends! Going for a drink, updating on life and stuff. Alvin's back too from graduation. Congrats to Alvin for graduating. Enjoy the holiday before working ya? Hm, let's see. There's Octivia also. Been a long time since I last saw her. Always escape herself to LA whenever she came back to Kuching! Ian is back from NYU but off to KK for 2 weeks. Will be meeting him, Alvin and hopefully Alexis and Joslyn after Ian comes back.

Sobraj, Jo, Lee, Yueh Lee. How come more guy friends are back than the girls? Where are all the girls? LoL! There's Melanie, Jess, and Joyce. Wow, haven't seen them for quite a while! Really looking forward to meeting all! "D